The Enduring Word of God
We live in a time when things are changing all around us. Some things are even passing away. People long for something that will endure through the tribulations of this time. They trust in all kinds of things, but only one thing will remain. That is God's Word. We can always count on what God has said to us.
Jesus made this very clear in His teaching before He went to the Cross for our sins and our salvation. (Luke 21:33) He assured His disciples and all people of all times that heaven and earth will pass away. It will disappear. However, His words will never disappear. Jesus was pointing all of us to His enduring Word., the Bible.
I know it is hard to believe, but at the end of time the heavens and the earth will be burned up. (II Peter 3:10) They will pass away, and God will create a new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. (II Peter 3:13) Therefore, nothing we have on this earth will last, except one thing, God's inspired Word.
God knew we needed a guide. We needed a way to know Him and to grow in Him. Therefore, He inspired the 66 books of the Bible. (II Timothy 3:15-17) They testify of Jesus, as Paul told Timothy, so we can put our trust in Him alone for salvation. Then, they contain everything we need to be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work God has for us to do. The Word of God endures, because we all need it. It is God's truth forever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 22-24.