
When I was in elementary school the teachers always had a hard time keeping us quiet. Even at home, my mom would have to try to calm us down and get us to use our inside voices. A lot of times I would hear my teachers or my parents say, "Shhh!" with their finger put over their lips. When that happened, we knew we needed to snap to attention and behave.

That is the picture I get from Habakkuk. (Habakkuk 2:20) He admonished the people saying, "But the Lord is in His holy Temple. Let all the earth be silent before Him." I can just hear the hush settle over all creation as everything that has breath bows silently before the Lord of all. We need to do that ourselves regularly. 

The Lord is the Sovereign Ruler of all the universe He created. He is in charge of it all, and what He says goes. He is in His holy Temple, seated on His throne in majesty and power. We all need to acknowledge Him as our personal Lord and listen to whatever He tells us to do. Then, just do it!

We don't need to be too busy, and we need to be quiet, so we can hear just what He is saying for us to do. Then, He will see our humble hearts, ready to serve Him in any way. He will be glad because we can hear Him clearly and obey His perfect will. That should be the goal of our "unhurried time" each day. Then, we will see the Lord work in us and through us.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Habakkuk 3 and Zephaniah 1-2.

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