Are We Listening?
Many people in our society today have a hard time with listening. It seems to be a lost art. I believe that using texts to communicate so much of the time has only made it worse. We seem to want everything in small bites, so we don't want to listen to someone talking with us. This is a real problem when it comes to listening to God.
God told Zechariah a result of not listening to Him well. (Zechariah 7:13) The Lord told the people that since they refused to listen to Him, He would not listen to them. So, our failure to listen to God cuts us off from the Lord hearing and answering our prayers. That is serious.
God is not our genie. He is not our servant. He is the Lord. That means He is our boss. What He says goes. If we fail to listen to God, we are living in sin, because we are not following His instructions for us. I know this is simple, but it is profound, at the same time. We must listen to what God says to us in the Bible and what He says to us directly.
If He is not Lord in our life, He knows we will do whatever we want to do. That is the wrong way to live. It leads to all types of sins and confusion. Therefore, when we pray to Him in that condition, He can't listen to us and respond as we desire. We would simply take His provision and go off on our own way. He knows that would hurt us instead of helping us, so He quits listening until we listen to Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 8-11.