Who do you Obey?
The Internet is really amazing, isn't it? Whenever we have a question about something, we can simply search the Internet, and we can find an answer to our question. However, we can't always be sure we have the right answer. We can also read books and magazines, as well as watching television, and we have all kinds of people telling us their opinions. So who do we obey?
God used the Recabites to prove an important point. (Jeremiah 35:14) The Recabites did not drink wine for a long time, because their ancestor, Jehonadab, told them not to. However, God had been speaking to His people again and again, but they refused to obey Him. Does that make any sense? I don't think so.
We do all kinds of things because a person has told us to do them, or we found advice in a book or online. We can be totally committed to doing what people have said for many years, and it may or may not really help us. However, we can know for sure that if God tells us something, we should do it, and it will help us out more than what people say.
The Bible is God's Word to us. It is His love letter for us. He cares so much that He speaks to us again and again to try to get us to see what He is telling us to do. We must listen to the Lord and do it. If we do what people say, but not what God says, we are insulting God, and He can't bless us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 37-39.