Predicting the Future
Every day we hear or read about predictions of things that will happen in the future from all kinds of people and groups of people. They are simply guessing what will happen based on their research and their understanding of the subject. Other times, people make predictions based on what they would like to see happen. In either case, most of the time what they say does not come true as they said it would.
That was a problem in Jeremiah's day, too. (Jeremiah 28:9) He told the people that a prophet who predicts peace must show that he is right. Only when his predictions come true can we know he is really from the Lord. That is the test of a prophet from the Lord. All of his predictions will come true; not one will fail.
God has given us His Word, the Bible, and it contains everything we need to know about the past, present, and the future. He is not adding to His Word today, so we do not have prophets from the Lord today. Anyone who claims to predict the future today is a false prophet, and we must not listen to their predictions.
I know we would all like to see into the future, but if we could it might actually hinder us. God wants us to trust Him on a daily basis. He doesn't want us to know everything about our future, and then feel like we can handle things on our own and make our own plans about how to prepare for it. God has told us enough because our relationship with Him is the most important thing every day. If we stay close to Him, He will guide us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 29-32.