One Heart and One Purpose
We live in a day and time when it seems that every person has his or her own agenda. They are working toward their own goals, but they are not working together with other people. This often happens in the context of the family. The husband has a different agenda and purpose from his wife. It is very sad and leads to much defeat and failure.
God has another way for His people. (Jeremiah 32:39) He told Jeremiah that He would give His people one heart and one purpose: to worship Him forever, for their own good and the good of all their descendants. God knows what is best for us, so we need to seek to put this into practice.
Whether in the family or in the church, we, as Christians, need to have one heart and one purpose. We need to ask Him to plant His purpose in our hearts, so we will be on the same agenda together. That agenda should be to worship Him in all we do every day. We should do what brings Him glory and glorify Him as we do it.
When we have this heart and purpose, God will bless us in what we do. It will lead to our good, and it will lead to the good of our children and grandchildren. When we worship and glorify God, we will live the most meaningful life possible, and we will pass on that legacy to our descendants. In the process many other people will be blessed, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 33-36.