Admonitions for Those who Govern
It seems like everything is dictated by politics today. I don't say much about politics, because God has called me to share the gospel, and I don't want to alienate people from hearing God's truth because of some political viewpoint. However, I will say this. We need to stop thinking about politics and start thinking about what God says is right and wrong, instead.
God gave Jeremiah a clear message for those who governed Judah. (Jeremiah 22:3) God said, "Be fair minded and just. Do what is right. Help those who have been robbed; rescue them from their oppressors. Quit your evil deeds. Do not mistreat foreigners, orphans, and widows. Stop murdering the innocent." Now, that is a very sound admonition for our leaders today.
We must always put a premium on being fair minded and just. That is what our country is supposed to be built upon. We must focus on doing what is right, not what the majority or the media wants to do. We must help those who have been robbed of what belongs to them, and rescue them from those who would do whatever it takes to keep them down.
Those who govern may have good policies, but they need to stop their evil deeds, like lying and taking bribes. It is a must not to mistreat those who can't take care of themselves very well. We must not mistreat people from other countries, widows, and orphans, but help them. Finally, we need to stop murdering innocent unborn babies and any other innocent people. Things would be much better, if our leaders would follow God's admonitions for them.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 23-25.