Receiving Due Rewards
We all like to receive rewards for our actions. It is nice to be recognized by others for what we do. Of course, there are all kinds of human rewards given for many different reasons. Some even involve large monetary rewards. However, the rewards that really count are from the Lord, and they are eternal.
God told Jeremiah about how He chooses who to reward and how to reward them. (Jeremiah 17:10) God is always searching all hearts and examining secret motives. Then, He promises to give all people our due rewards, according to what our actions deserve. That sounds fair, but it is also concerning.
God doesn't just look at what we do. He searches our heart, and He examines our secret motives for what we do. God cares just as much or more about our motives as our actions. He wants to see if why we say we are doing what we are doing is the real motive, or if we have secret motives. If our real motives are not pure, He will not reward us.
Our motives for our actions should always be to do God's will and to do it for His glory, not our own. We should do things for others with genuine concern for them, not for what we can get out of it. Our motives must be others-centered and God-centered, instead of self-centered. Then, God will reward us with eternal rewards in heaven, and even do some good things for us here, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 20-22.