The Blessings of Righteous Living
It is amazing to me to see how many people think that doing sinful and immoral things will bring them happiness. So many people treat others roughly. They lie to those with whom they have relationships. They really just want to get their own way, instead of being just. These things lead to misery, not joy.
The psalmist gave us a principle to remember. (Psalm 106:3) He said there is joy or blessing for those who deal justly with others and always do what is right. This is true because of how God has established His truth. His laws and rules always lead us in the right path, and He blesses those who follow His ways.
It is easy to see that we should always treat people in a fair way. We should treat them the way we would want to be treated. If there is a dispute, we should want to do what is right according to the laws of men and of God. People will respect us for being just like this, and our relationships will flourish.
Also, we will be blessed when we consistently do what is right according to God's will and God's way. He will bless us by meeting our needs and walking with us when we do His will in His way. Then, people will know that we have a mind set on doing good, so they will trust us and feel safe with us. These are the rewards of righteous living.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 107-109.