Mission Accomplished
Each of us, as Christians, have a mission to accomplish in our life. This is a personal mission that God has called us to do, and He has gifted us to do it in His power. We must pray for God to show us our mission, and then, we must do what He shows us in the power of the Spirit. Only then can we live the abundant life Jesus desires for us.
Joshua's mission was to conquer the land of Canaan. God gave him this mission through Moses. (Joshua 11:23) So Joshua took control of the entire land, just as the Lord had instructed Moses. He gave it to the people of Israel as their special possession, dividing the land among the tribes. Then, the land finally had rest from war. We can learn a lot from this account.
We are able to accomplish our mission in life, only as we obey God's commands to us. Yes, He will direct His children, as we pray and listen to Him. Then, when we set out to do His will, we have to put in our time and effort, just like the army had to fight at Joshua's command. Sometimes it is difficult, but it is worth it in the end. Finally, we must work in God's power, because we can't accomplish our mission in our own power. God will give us victory, as He gave Joshua, as we trust Him and obey Him.
So, how are we doing? Are you accomplishing your mission? Do you know what it is? That is the first step, but most Christians don't even know their mission. Are you making it your priority for your life? That is essential, too. It is not a part-time job. Finally, are you relying on God's power to see you through? If we will do these three things, we will accomplish our mission and have the blessings of the Lord, like Israel received when Joshua's mission was accomplished.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 13-16.