Cross Dressing
God's Word is very clear about some things that are subject to much confusion and discussion today. God has definite guidelines when it comes the distinction between males and females. He created them differently, and they are to dress and act differently. God is not in favor of cross dressing, when a man dresses like a woman, or a woman dresses like a man. We see that a lot today.
Moses made a clear command on this practice. (Deuteronomy 22:5) A woman must not put on men's clothing, and a man must not wear women's clothing. Anyone who does this is detestable in the sight of the Lord. I believe there are many things that we can learn about God and about us from this one verse, and those things are consistent throughout God's Word.
God doesn't want any gender confusion. God loves us all, and if a person is having a problem in this area, He will help them solve their dilemma. His solution will not be to cross dress or try to change one's gender. God made us male or female, and He knew what He was doing. He doesn't want us trying to change His creation design.
If someone does try this, they are making themselves detestable in God's sight. This is not a worse sin than other sins that people choose to commit, but God wants us all to realize it is not something with which He is happy. I believe He will convict anyone who wants to try this change, so he or she will see their sin and eventually turn to Him for His forgiveness and help. Then, they can live an abundant life in Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 24-27.