I am convinced that we do not celebrate the blessings of the Lord enough. God is the source of all we have, and He is the One who made us able to do what we do. He deserves all of our thanks and praise. We should set aside special times to celebrate Him and all His goodness to us and our families like we celebrate other things in our lives.
Moses gave the Israelites instructions about giving the first fruits of their harvest to the Lord. (Deuteronomy 26:11) Once they had made that offering, they were to go and celebrate because of all the good things the Lord had given them and their household. They were to remember to include the Levites and the foreigners in their celebration. Celebrating God is good for everyone!
What do you have to celebrate today? I am not just talking about the big things, even though they are very nice. I am talking about celebrating the small blessings, too. Do we have a place to live? Do we have good health? Has God provided for our basic needs? If any of these things are true, we have a huge reason to celebrate what God has given us and done for us.
Please, fight against self-sufficiency. None of us could have anything if it wasn't for God. We must humble ourselves before Him and praise Him for His goodness and might. We must practice the spiritual discipline of celebration to remind us that without Him we can do nothing. We are nothing without Him. Yes, without Jesus, we are lost and undone forever.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 28-31.