What Breaks God's Heart
God has feelings like us. That is one way we are made in His image. God is love, and He desires a relationship with each of us. When we turn Him down and go our own way, it breaks His heart. It makes Him feel the same way we feel when someone we love rejects us. Just think how God must feel when millions and even billions of people are rejecting Him. That is what happened in Noah's day. (Genesis 6:5,6) The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth. He saw that all they thought and imagined was consistently and totally evil. He was sorry He had ever made people and put them on the earth. All of that broke His heart. I believe it is breaking His heart today, as well.
Today we see people thinking and imaging things that are totally opposite from God's creation and His will. It seems that every day there is some new evil announcement. It is so amazing that no one is smart enough to see through these falsehoods. Maybe it is just that they do not want to go against the majority. Whatever is happening, it is like the days of Noah. Jesus said that is what it was going to be like when it is time for Him to return. (Matthew 24:37-39) It seems that once God's heart gets so broken that He can't stand it any more, He will send Jesus back. According to what I am seeing, that could be any time now. I pray we will all hold tight to our trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, so we are ready for anything that might happen.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 7-9.