One Race
The flood that God sent on the earth in Noah's days was significant for many reasons. It brought about huge changes in the earth's surface, and we can see that the earth is not billions of years old, but relatively young. Also, since all of the other people of the world died besides Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives, we know that all of the people of the earth now came from one family. (Genesis 9:19) There are not many races. There is one race. Yes, their are different skin colors and physical features that developed when the people were scattered over the earth. However, we are all the same family. This shows us that we should never see one culture as superior or inferior to another. We should love all people and respect them equally.
Racism is a terrible sin. In our human nature, our flesh, we have a problem with things which are different from what we have experienced. When we see a person whose skin is a different color or whose features are different, we tend to react in a negative way. We have some fear of the differences. Then, we are tempted to think we are better than them. This is where racism comes from. However, God loves all people. (John 3:16) Jesus died for all people to be saved. We are all equally sinful, and we are all equally saved once we come to the Lord. Therefore, as Christians, there is no place for racism. In fact, we will not be very comfortable in heaven if we don't realize this, because there are going to be all types of people there. (Revelation7:9) Let's decide to love all people and to embrace our differences, knowing we all came from one family, and we are all the same before the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 10-12