Salvation by Grace through faith
Many people do not understand the wonder of salvation. They think that we are saved by being a good person or by doing works to earn salvation. Even Christians get confused. They think salvation came by works in the Old Testament and by grace through faith in the New Testament. Neither of these views are correct. I know we can all see that this is a vital issue which must be understood correctly and taught to others correctly. Abram is a great example of salvation by grace through faith. (Genesis 15:6) Abram believed God when He told him to leave his country and family. He believed God when He told him he would have a son and have a multitude of descendants, Abraham put His trust in God, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith, not by any works. So, we see this is how people have been saved from the very beginning until now.
When we put our trust in God now, we put out trust in Jesus, because He is the full revelation of God to us in bodily form. We trust God, not only to save us because Jesus died and rose again to pay for our sins, but we trust God every day for all of our needs, like Abram did. When God sees that faith in Him, He forgives our sins and cleanses us. We don't have to work to be righteous enough to be saved. He marks our account in heaven "paid," and He gives us His righteousness. He pronounces us righteous before Him because of our faith. It is free. It is a gift. That is grace. We could never earn it or deserve it. We simply surrender to Him in faith, no longer trusting ourselves and doing things our way. We turn from our way, and we trust Him, so that He is our Lord. Since He saves us by grace through faith, not by any works, we can't lose our salvation either. Then, we belong to Him. We are adopted into His family. We have His Spirit to empower and guide us. The Spirit is our guarantee that we are saved and bound for heaven. That is Biblical salvation by grace through faith.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 16-19.