The Blessings of Radical Faith
Faith is trusting in someone or something. We all exercise faith all of the time. We may just be trusting in ourselves, but that is faith. Faith is only effective when we put our faith in the right person or the right thing. Therefore, it is the object of our faith that is the most important aspect of our faith. God is the One Person we can trust, and we always know that what He told us will come about. If God says He will do something, He will. If He tells us to do something, we must do it, even if it is impossible to see the outcome. That is the kind of radical faith in God that Abram had. (Romans 12:1,7) God came to Abram in Ur of the Chaldees, and He told him to leave his native country, his relatives, and his father's family and go to a land that He would show him. Abram left at God's command, and when he got to Canaan, God appeared to him and told Abram that He would give that land to his descendants. So Abram built an altar to worship God there, and he dedicated it to the Lord. That is a great example of radical faith for all of us.
We need to trust God, even when we don't know where He is sending us or what is going to happen in the end. If God says, "Go," we need to leave immediately. If God says, Jump," we should just say, "How high?" We should not ask why. God responds to our faith in Him, and He responds in a great way when we have radical faith to do just what He says. Just like God blessed Abram and his descendants with the land of Canaan that still belongs to them today, God can and will provide for us just what we need to complete His plan for our lives. God used Abram and his descendants to bless all of the families of the earth by sending Jesus through his family. What a huge blessing! If we have that kind of radical faith in what God tells us in His Word or when He speaks to us personally, He will work His plan for us, too. We won't be able to see all the details, but let's just trust Him like Abram did and see what He does.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 13-15.