All You Humble of the Earth
Humility is one of the highest virtues in the eyes of the Lord. The main reason for this is Jesus was and is completely humble. He fully submitted to the Father, even unto death on the cross. He became a servant for us instead of expecting to be served by people when He came to earth. Jesus was worthy of all praise because He was and is All-Mighty God. That did not cause Him to be proud, because He is humble by nature. Then, when we are saved from our sins and adopted into God's family, God's purpose for us is to be like Jesus, so we should be humble, too. Of course, we need God's grace and the power of the Spirit to be truly humble, but it is possible with the Lord's help. The Prophet Zephaniah gave a message for the humble of the earth in his day, and it is good for us today, too. (Zephaniah 2:3) His command was for all of the humble of the earth, who carry out what He commands, to seek the Lord, righteousness, and humility. Then, they might be concealed on the day of the Lord's anger, when God punished their sinful nation.
We could be facing a time of God's anger on America for our great sins. It seems they are getting worse by the day. So what are we to do? God's message to us, as believers, is to seek the Lord. We need to spend time every day drawing near to God, so we know Him and His ways, and we can obey His commands. We need to be seeking righteousness every day. We must seek to live rightly before the Lord and others by following the commands and principles of God's Word. Then, we must seek humility in all we do. This means we are to give God the credit of whatever we do, because we know we can only do those things through His power. If we will do those things with all of our heart, God will look with favor on us when His day of anger comes. We can depend on Him to do the right thing for us as He pours out His anger on the sins of our country.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zephaniah 3 and Haggai 1-2.