What Are We Really Worth?
We all have an inner need to feel important. We want to know that we are significant in some way. Therefore, we strive in various ways to make an impact on those around us and on our world. Many times it is simply our pride that puffs us up and causes us to think more of ourselves than we should. After all, what can we really do that lasts forever or adds anything new or unique. Therefore, the worth of each of us, as individuals, is very limited. We should not want to draw people to trust us or listen to us, and we should not listen to mere humans around us. That is what the Prophet Isaiah told the people of Judah, as they were rebelling against God. (Isaiah 2:22) He told them not to put their trust in a mere human, who only has breath in his nostrils to give him life. What is he really worth? This is a huge issue for all of us to determine. What is the source of our worth?
Yes, God created us in His image, and that makes us people of worth. However, we are very imperfect, and our sins separates us from God. Then, we are so very limited because our thinking is flawed and our actions are flawed. It is not until we come to know Jesus as our Lord and Savior that we really have lasting worth. Our worth is in knowing Him, but mainly in Him knowing us and adopting us into His family forever. Then, we have the mind of Christ, which is of much worth. We have the Holy Spirit, who illuminates God's truth for us and empowers us to be like Jesus. Then, we can share things that are worthy, and our lives can accomplish His will, which lasts forever. See what I mean? Our worth comes only from the Lord. By ourselves, we are not worth very much, at all. Let's give God all the glory for making us and for remaking us, as we trust Christ. Then, let's live for Jesus, so we have true worth, as God designed us to have.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 4-6.