A Lily Among Thorns

 The Song of Solomon or Song of Songs is an unusual part of the Bible. It is a love song between Solomon and his wife. I believe it was inspired by God, so that we would know how much we should appreciate our spouse and how we should express our love to each other. This is vital for us to have a healthy marriage relationship. I believe there is a lot of spiritual meaning, too. We are the Bride of Christ, as His church. Therefore, we should love Him with our whole heart and appreciate Him, as well. I love what Solomon said about his wife. (Song of Solomon 2:2) She was like a lily among thorns to him. She was his darling, and when he looked at the other young women, there was no comparison between her and them to Solomon. That is how it should be for each of us when we find the wife or husband the Lord has for us.

One of the names for Jesus is "The Lily of the Valley." A lily is a very special flower. It is very beautiful, so we use it on special occasions, like weddings and Easter. It sticks out from the other flowers. Just imagine a lily among thorns. What a contrast! That is how Jesus compares to all of the false gods in this world. He is much more beautiful as we get to know Him as Lord and Savior. The other gods will only hurt us, like thorns. They are tools of Satan to steal, kill, and destroy people. We need to so love Jesus that we show our love for Him to everyone. Then, they can come to love Him and appreciate Him, as we do. Let's spend some time today gazing at Jesus and reflecting on how beautiful and unique He is. Let's worship Him every day, and make Him known to this sinful world.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Song of Solomon 3-5.  

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