Crooked Statutes and Oppressive Laws
I do not deal with politics in this blog or as a pastor. I only deal with what the Bible says about what the government should do because God ordained government, and He had a reason for doing so. God intends for government to insure the order in society and to administer justice for the people. When that doesn't happen, God either allows it to happen as a punishment for the people, or He intervenes to change the wrong practices and insure His ways are carried out. This is one of the things that God had against His people, Israel and Judah. When they had evil rulers, they were guilty of enacting crooked statutes and writing oppressive laws. (Isaiah 10:1) They did this to give those in authority the ability to make more money and to oppress the poor and widows to their advantage. This made God very angry then, and God has not changed. If our leaders do this, God will not bless our country.
There are all types of statutes that are passed by local, state, and federal officials. These rules are enforced by the courts, and people and businesses who break them are prosecuted under that law. If there are crooked statutes enacted, then honest people can be harmed when they have not done anything wrong. I think we have all seen this on a local scale, but it can also happen on a larger scale. Also, oppressive laws are written by leaders, such as taxes that are a burden on people. When this happens, it is just a transfer of wealth from the people to the government to be spent on whatever they desire. This is very bad for our country, and it limits the freedoms we should be able to enjoy as citizens under just government. I am writing this today, because these things happen when we elect officials who do nor have a correct belief of right and wrong. They only act in their best interest or in the interest of their friends. We must pray and vote for people who hold to God's values for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Then, God will be able to bless our country, and we will have moral statutes and laws that set us free, instead of oppress us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 11-14.