The Levites and the Tabernacle
God planted Himself firmly in the middle of all the people of Israel as they traveled in the wilderness on the way to Canaan. He lived in the Tabernacle, in the Holy of Holies, above the mercy seat on the ark of the covenant. God entrusted the Tabernacle to the tribe of Levi. Taking care of the Tabernacle was their special responsibility. They were set apart for this service. They were not part of the army. They took down the Tabernacle when the people moved, they carried all of it and its contents, and they set it up when they stopped. They set it up right in the middle of the camp each time, and they camped around it to protect it. (Numbers 1:50) This special connection with the Lord was a great blessing to the Levites, and they were a great blessing to the people by doing this service so faithfully.
Today, we do not have a tabernacle or a temple building in which God dwells. The church building is not the same. Today, God lives in every true believer. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, God is still at the center of each believer, and He should be the center of all we do. We should be like the Levites and take care to keep God in our mind at all times, and we should allow Him to direct our actions all of the time. He is not to be something on the side of our life. He is not to be at the end of all we do. He must be the center, or we will not be the Christian we are supposed to be, and we will not be blessed by God as we should be. I want to challenge each of us to take stock of where God is in our life. Be honest with yourself and with Him. Then, let's make sure to take God's influence in our life very seriously and see just how much better our life can become.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 3-5.