Cleansed by the blood
The book of Leviticus presents a number of ways that people would become unclean. This was a serious condition, because it could cause sickness or other unhealthy contaminations. The priests were the ones to examine the person or property and pronounce them clean or unclean. In the event that they were found to be clean, they had to offer a sacrifice in addition to washing everything thoroughly with water. The blood of the sacrifice made the atonement for the uncleanness. When a man was pronounced clean, blood from the sacrifice was placed on the lobe of his right ear, his right thumb, and on the big toe of his right foot. (Leviticus 14:14) When others saw the blood stains they would know that he had been through the cleansing process. We can learn from this Old Testament practice and apply it to our own lives today.
We are all unclean because of our sins. We can't cleanse ourselves, no matter what we do or how good we are. There had to be a sacrifice for our sins, and the blood of the sacrifice had to be shed for us. Of course, it could not have been just any sacrifice for all of the sins of the whole world. Only God could pay that price, so God became a man, Jesus Christ, the God/Man. He willingly and lovingly gave his blood and His life for us to be cleansed from all of our sins. In the spiritual sense all of us who have been saved and born again have had the blood of Jesus applied to us for our cleansing and as a sign to God that Jesus' death has atoned for our sins. The blood of Jesus should be precious to us, and we should strive to live a clean and holy life for Him, free from any uncleanness. He was our sinless sacrifice, and we are to be holy like Him by remaining clean.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 16-18.