Preparing for the Glory of the Lord
God wants to show us His glory. He is not hiding from us. He desires for us to see His greatness and glory on a regular basis. In fact, I believe we should see it every Sunday, as we come together to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are the hang-up. It is not God. He commands us to be prepared to see His glory. If we do not make the preparations, He can't show Himself to us. We see this in the Leviticus account of the priesthood being inaugurated. (Leviticus 9:6,23) Moses told Aaron and his sons what the Lord had commanded for them to do so that the glory of the Lord would appear to them. Then, after they had done what God said, the glory appeared to all of the people. I pray the same will happen as we worship today!
When we prepare to see the glory of the Lord, we must do things that are similar to what Aaron and his sons did. After all, we, as believers, are His priests today. (I Peter 3:9) We must make sure our sins are confessed, so that we are clean to approach the Lord. We don't make a sin offering, like they did, but we confess with our mouth the sins that the Holy Spirit shows us. Then, He cleanses us from all unrighteousness. (I John 1:9) They made a burnt offering that was a sweet aroma to the Lord, but we offer the sacrifice of praise to God, which is the fruit of our lips. as we testify and sing to the Lord. (Hebrews 13:15) God also delights in us coming together with our brothers and sisters in Christ in fellowship, too. He loves for us to be in one accord and one in the Spirit. That unity blesses God, and He is inclined to show us His glory. I pray we will all prepare right now, so we will see the glory of the Lord in our worship today and every time we come together to lift up the name of Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 10-12.