Commands about Children and God's Name
God created mankind. He made us in His image, and He created us, male and female. He did this for a reason. He designed us to have children, to multiply and fill the earth. This shows us why marriage is so important to God, and why sexual immorality if such a terrible sin to God. Also, it gives us a clear sense of the value of children to the Lord. They are precious to Him, and they should be precious to us. This is true not just for our own children, but for all children. Also, God wants all people to recognize the worth of a child and to know that He is holy in all of His ways for designing human life in this way. (Leviticus 18:21) This is why God commanded Moses to forbid the Israelites from sacrificing any of their children to the pagan god, Molech, by putting them through the fire. Also, He commanded that people must not profane His name by their words or actions. Of course, the same holds true today.
The sanctity of human life is not held by very many people in the United States today. I am afraid there are even a good number of those who claim to be Christians, who support the right of a mother to kill her unborn child. It is a tragic situation any time any life is not valued, but especially, the life of an unborn baby. When an abortion is done, an innocent and defenseless life is snuffed out. There is no way to justify this murder. Then, when we add the fact that there are Christians who have abortions, like there were Israelites sacrificing their children to Molech, the sin is even worse. By our actions we are profaning the name of the Lord. Yes, we are not showing others that He is Lord and that He is holy. We are bringing a black mark on His name. We are telling others that God doesn't care about every life. We are not representing God and His name well by being so pagan in our words and deeds. As Christians, we must value all children as God does, and we must do all we can to show others that God is holy. He never sins, and He always does the right thing. We must never profane His name before others.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 19-21.