Fatal Sins
All sins are serious. Some sins are physically fatal. Yes, sometimes God takes our life because of our sins. I know this may not be a pleasant subject, but I believe it is very necessary, if we are to have the proper fear of the Lord. God hates sin. It grieves Him to see sin spread. Remember, He killed everyone in the world except Noah and his family because of the prevalence of sin at that time. These and other accounts of God's reaction to sin show us that God can and will take drastic measures to punish us when we sin against Him and others. Aaron's son Nadab and Abihu found this out very suddenly. (Leviticus 10:1-2) They took their firepans, put fire them and incense on the fire. The problem was that what they offered was not authorized by God. He had not commanded them to do what they did. At that moment fire came and consumed the two brothers, and they died before the Lord. This was a huge shock to their father, Aaron, but Moses assured him that God had every right to kill them. This may seem harsh, but it was necessary, so God did it. He could do it even today, if needed.
We don't like to remember these accounts, but there are many similar accounts. Achan and his whole family were killed after they took things that were banned by the Lord when the Israelites took over the town of Jericho. They were all burned up in front of the rest of the people to teach everyone a lesson. When God commands something, He means for it to be obeyed. Then, there were Ananias and Saphira, who lied to the Lord and to the people about their gift to the church. God killed each of them. Their sin would have just become worse and infected other believers, which would have hindered the progress of the early church. One that is very scary was the believers in Corinth who took the Lord's Supper lightly. Some of them got physically sick because of this serious sin, but others died. They took the Lord's Supper lightly, got drunk, over ate, and disregarded their fellow believers, so God took them out. I could go on and on, but we all get the point. We never know when we disobey God, if we will get sick or die. This knowledge should cause us to fear the Lord and to decide to always do His will in His way, so His kingdom work will not be harmed. I pray that we will teach this truth to other believers, too. God means business, because the eternal souls of His dear creation hang in the balance.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 13-15.