A Shining Face
Our face tells others a lot about us. They can see if we are happy or sad. It shows our stress and great concern over things, at times. Even if we try to hide it, often, the condition of our heart is seen on our face. We need to be aware of this, because the Lord wants us to make a good impression on others and to be very encouraging to them, instead of discouraging them. When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai the second time, he brought the new stone tablets with the commands of God. Also, when the people saw him, they noticed a big difference in his face. (Exodus 34:29) The skin on Moses' face was shining as a result of him speaking with the Lord, face to face. This was something the others had never seen. It was the glory of the Lord's presence that had brought about this drastic glow to His face. I wonder what people see when they look at us.
I know we can't go to see the Lord face to face now, like Moses did. However, we can and should meet with the Lord in a personal way every day. Yes, He invites us to enter His presence to spend time with Him. He is our Daddy, and He loves for us to spend time with Him at His feet, as Mary did to Jesus in Bethany. When we do that each day, the Lord fills us in a special way. The Holy Spirit takes control, and we begin to walk in the Spirit, so we bear the Fruit of the Spirit. Our face will be shining with the love of the Lord, the peace of the Lord, and the joy of the Lord. Our face will show forth His kindness and goodness and faithfulness. When others see us, they will see that our face is different from the other faces they see all of the time. They will be attracted to this difference, so we can share with them that it is just the Lord's influence in our life. I pray that all of us will have faces that radiate the grace of the Lord to everyone we see.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 36-38.