The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
One day there will be a wonderful celebration in heaven. This party will happen as the Lamb is married to His bride. Everyone there will be rejoicing and thankful to be a part of the marriage. In fact, this will be the ultimate celebration of all time. Believe me, you do not want to miss this marriage supper. The problem is that only certain people are invited. (Revelation 19:9) Everyone who is invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb is blessed. These are the true words of God. So what is all the celebration about and who are invited? Let me take a moment to fill in the details.
Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Jesus came to earth to pay the ultimate price to redeem us from our sins. He shed His blood and died on the cross to pay the debt for sin, so that anyone who repents of sin and puts their trust in Him as Lord and Savior is forgiven and has eternal life. Jesus' death paved the way for the formation of the church. The church is everyone who knows Jesus as Lord and Savior. The Bible calls the church the bride of Christ. That is because we are married to Him once we come to know Him. We have a close relationship with our Lord, and we are submissive to Him, as a wife is to her husband. Right now the bride is still being prepared for the marriage. Believers are growing to be more like Jesus in preparation to be with Him in heaven, and people are still being saved. Once the last person comes to know Jesus, He will be sent by the Father to bring all of His bride up to heaven in the Rapture. Then, we will be part of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. However, those who never put their trust in Jesus will not receive an invitation. They will be separated from the Lord forever, instead of having that special relationship with Him in heaven. Please, don't be left out. Trust Christ today! I pray I will see you at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb one day. It could happen at any moment.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 20-22.