God is Making All Things New
God is in the process of making heaven just right for those who know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Jesus told us that He was going to prepare a place for us that we can come and be with Him. What a place that will be! Not only will it be a very beautiful place to live and work for eternity, God is making all things new. (Revelation 21:4,5) When we get there, God will wipe all of the tears from our eyes. There will be no more death. There will be no more mourning or crying or pain. The first things will have passed away, and God will have made all things new. We can be assured of these things because God's Word is faithful and true. Let's just bask in this reality for a little while.
I wonder how many tears we have shed over the years of our life, because of sorrow, sickness, or pain? In heaven there will be no more of those moments and no more of those tears. Just think of the grief we have experienced when we lost loved ones, and the mourning we have done because we miss them. There will be no more mourning, because there will be no more death. Our bodies will be new and eternally healthy. All things will be new and untouched by the corruption of sin. They will never wear out or fall apart. It will be so much different from this world that we can't really even imagine how wonderful it will be. However, the greatest thing will be that we will be there with the Lord to worship and serve Him forever. We will be there with other believers to enjoy eternal life together. Time will not be a factor. God is so good. Whatever you do make sure you have a personal relationship with Jesus, so He will receive you to Himself when you leave this world. I pray I will see you there.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 1-4.