The Only Savior
People look to a lot of things and people for salvation. At some point we realize we are in a situation from which we can't deliver ourselves. It is caused by our sins. Then, we call out to someone or something to save us. The problem is that most people choose to depend on the wrong thing. Then, they think there is no deliverance at all. Of course, that is not the case. Isaiah told us what we need to know about this situation a long time ago. (Isaiah 43:11) There is only one Lord, and He is the only Savior. There is no Savior besides Him. I know this goes against what we hear from this world, but let's think about why this makes sense, and it is very true.
There can only be One True, Eternal God. The very definition of God is the One who is greater than anyone or anything else. If anything had created God, that thing or person would be greater than God, so that is impossible. The One True and Living God is the only One who is Lord. Lord means that He is in control over all things. Everything is subject to Him, people and things. Therefore, He is the Only One who can be the Savior for everyone in the world. Yes, many people claim there are many gods, and they say that there are many roads to God. They do not like the fact that there is only one real God. They want to pick the one they want to serve. It doesn't work that way. There is one God and there is no Savior besides Him. I am glad this is the truth. It makes everything simple. We either accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, or we reject Him. We have one very important decision to make. We do not have to decide on a Savior out of 100's, just one. I pray we will all choose Jesus. (John 14:6) He is the only One who carried our sins on the cross and died in our place. He is the Only One who can save anyone, and He is willing to save anyone who comes to Him in repentance and faith.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 44-46.