Do You Have Lovely Feet?
Some people go to great lengths to make sure their feet look good. They soak them in all kinds of ways. They go to have pedicures and have their nails painted in various ways on a regular basis. I am sure it feels good, but I confess, I am not sure if I could ever do that. They may have lovely feet physically, but I would rather have lovely feet in the way they are spoken of in the Bible. Isaiah gave us the way to have lovely feet. (Isaiah 52:7) We have lovely feet in God's eyes when we use our feet to bring good news to others. Yes, our feet are wonderful to the Lord when we announce peace and bring good news of happiness to people who need those things. We are using our feet for good when we let people know that our God reigns. So, what do you think? Do you have lovely feet?
We live in a day when people need good news very badly. There is so much bad news all around. They need good news that will not just make their day, but make their eternity brighter. The best "Good News" is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. People need to know that Jesus died for our sins, after living a sinless life; He was buried, and rose again the third day to provide the payment for our sin debt. That is such good news, because that salvation from sins is available to all of us. He loves us all, and He died for all of us. Our feet are most lovely when we bring that Good News to others, and we share with them the peace and happiness that comes once we put our trust in Jesus, as Lord and Savior. We have stability forever, when that happens, because our God reigns from Heaven, and He has created a perfect place for all of His followers to spend eternity with Him. I pray we have all heard this good news, and we are ready for whatever may come. I pray we will all have lovely feet, taking this good news to others, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 53-56.