God's Comfort and Compassion
God knows just how to comfort His people. He always shows His compassion for His afflicted ones. This is even true when He was the One who inflicted the grief, pain, or other afflictions. This attribute of God is something that we can count on. It should be a source of hope for all of us who know the Lord. It should cause us to rejoice, even in the midst of our storms. This is why Isaiah breaks forth in joyful praise. (Isaiah 49:13) He exhorts the heavens to shout for joy, and the earth to rejoice. He calls on the mountains to break forth in joyful shouting. In other words, all creation should join in praising God because He has comforted His people, and He will have compassion on His afflicted. Let's let this sink in well for a few minutes.
If we belong to the Lord, what do we have to worry about? Really. If God is love, He always acts with compassion. It might not happen right when we are ready to see it. Remember, our trials are good for us. They lead us closer to the Lord, when we determine to trust Him through the pain and problems. We should always keep this in mind. When we lose a loved one, or we suffer another significant loss, God will come with His comfort. He is the God of all comfort. He knows just how to bring His strength and peace to each of His children. He knows how to administer His compassion in a way that will lift us out of affliction, and put out feet on solid ground. The most fantastic thing is that this is a sure thing. God never fails. This is true, though we badly fail Him, like Israel did. He still came with comfort and compassion. God never changes, so He will do the same today, when we belong to Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 50-52.