The Everlasting Light
We talk a lot about having everlasting life. That is so important. It is the greatest possession any of us can ever have. It is a free gift from God once we place our faith in Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior. I wonder how often we think of having an everlasting light? The two go together. When we have everlasting life, we will transition from earth to heaven one day. Then, we will have the Everlasting Light, that we need for eternity in heaven. (Isaiah 60:19) Isaiah told us a long time ago that we will no longer have the sun for light by day or the moon to brighten the night, because we will have the Lord for an everlasting Light, and God will be our glory. What a precious promise for all who have everlasting life!
Heaven is going to be such a blessing for all who are privileged to live there for eternity. There will be no darkness there. I am not sure if we will ever need to sleep or not, but we will not have the darkness of night or of pain, sorrow, or death. God will be on His throne, and His glory will enlighten every corner of heaven. It is an everlasting light, because God's glory is so intense and eternal. Every being that comes into His presence is overwhelmed by His glory, so their bodies begin to glow. That is why the angels around the throne of God are bright with His glory. That is why Moses' face shined when we came down from Mt. Sinai after he met with God for 40 days. One day, all believers will shine in the same way. I want to encourage all of us to meditate on what heaven will be like today, so that we will be filled with awe for the Lord and His great love for us. His everlasting life and His everlasting light are amazing. Thank You, Lord!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 61-63.