How to Gain New Strength
There are a lot of us who are run down and weary. We don't have enough energy except for the essential needs of life. A lot of this lack of strength is due to stress. Stress saps our strength more than physical work. It makes us tired of mind and body. Many of us have tried all kinds of things to get more strength. We have changed our diet and signed up to go to the gym, so we could work out regularly. Yes, those things helped a little, but we are still not where we want to be or where we ought to be. What is the solution? Isaiah informed us of God's answer to this dilemma. (Isaiah 40:31) Of course, God's way always works. If we follow His advice, we will have more strength, we will be able to run the race of life and not get tired. We will be able to walk and not become weary. Let's hear what the Lord has to say, so we can all overcome this problem of life.
Of course, there are some of us who have physical disabilities that keep us from being as mobile as we once were. However, even those of us with physical problems can have the strength it takes to live the life God has planned for us. The key to more strength comes from learning to wait on the Lord. Waiting on the Lord takes time. It takes concentration. It takes effort, but it is worth it in so many ways. When we stop what we are doing to focus on the Lord and to wait for Him to speak to us, we will hear from Him and be excited by His presence, and that will give us more strength. We will be filled with His Spirit as we submit to Him, confess sins that are weighing us down, and begin to trust the Lord's strength, not our own strength. He will calm our mind and remove the stress, as we give all things to Him. Then, we will see clearly how to live. God's way is much easier than our way, and He will empower us to do His will every time. We will even be physically stronger like Moses and Joshua in the Old Testament. When we spend that time daily, waiting on the Lord, He will always give us more strength. We will be amazed at how much more we are able to do. I have seen this in my life for years, and I see it more today than ever before. Please, do whatever it takes for you to wait on the Lord daily. It is free, but it will change your life!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 41-43.