The Right Word at the Right Time

Words can be very beautiful, or they can be very ugly. I think we all know the effects of words upon our hearts and lives. Too often, we just concentrate on not saying the wrong thing or saying something in the wrong way. That is important. However, just as important, or maybe even more important, is saying the right word at the right time. God showed Solomon this truth, so He could record in for us in a very meaningful way, we should be able to remember. (Proverbs 25:11) Just imagine some gold apples arranged on a silver platter with some other silver pieces to set off their shiny beauty. That arrangement would be very appropriate for entertaining guests or just for decorating our dinner table. That is just like a word spoken in the right circumstances, it is very beautiful and appropriate for all concerned.

We use words to encourage and to instruct. Our words come rolling out of our mouths, and it is very important for them to roll out right at the right moment. Then, when we capture the right words to be spoken, and we sense just the right time, we really bring a message that can change lives forever. It could be the words of a parent to a child or a teacher to a student. Perhaps, it comes as a word of admonition given in love to stop someone from doing the wrong thing. Of course, the best word ever spoken at the right circumstance is when God gives us words to say as we share the life saving good news of Jesus with another person, who is in danger of being lost for eternity. Whatever the situation and whenever we have the chance, we need to seize the moment, praying for the Holy Spirit to guide our tongue to say the right thing in a loving manner. What a masterpiece of a moment, like apples of gold in settings of silver.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 26-28.

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