Do Not Be Idle
Many people today are what we call "couch potatoes." They want to sit and do nothing except watch TV or look at their phone for hours on end. This type of lifestyle will not lead to happiness or prosperity. I know we have all heard that idleness is the devil's workshop. That is true. That is a good reason to be diligent about life and not be idle. However, Solomon gives us another reason. (Ecclesiastes 11:6) We should sow our seed in the morning and not be idle in the evening, for we do not know if morning sowing or evening sowing will succeed. Of course, both might be good, and that would be even better. I hope we all see the wisdom in this truth.
Work is not bad. It is good to be productive. God created Adam and gave him a job right off the bat. It is good for us to be profitable in all areas of life. That is what God expects of us all. When we are idle, we can come into poverty or into need, and it will be our own fault. God gave us the energy to sow seeds of produce, of relationships, and of creativity. If we sow those seeds, they could bear much fruit. However, we never know. Only God knows what will bear fruit. Therefore, we are to be diligent at all times to sow our seeds and trust God to bring the increase. When He sees our work, He will bless it, because that is His will for us. If we are idle, He will punish us for being lazy, and we will fail to have what we need, since we did not sow. I hope this helps us as we look at our lives, and we see what we have and what we don't have. It is probably connected to being a diligent sower or a lazy sloth.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ecclesiastes 12 and Song of Solomon 1-2.