Concealing Our Sins

Most of us are ashamed of our sins. We do not want to sin, because we know sin is wrong. However, we all sin. We give in to the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil, so that we commit transgressions against the Lord. Then, we want to hide those sins from Him and others. We think if we can conceal them, they will be forgotten or go away. That is never the case. Solomon gave us God's remedy for this situation. (Proverbs 28:13) If we conceal our transgressions, we will not prosper, but if we confess them and forsake them, we will find compassion. This is how God deals with all of us.

Sins are like cancer. We can't ignore them and expect them to go away. They just get worse and worse. We have no power to get rid of the cancer on our own, we need help from doctors and medicine. The same is true for sins. We can't get rid of them on our own. It takes God to forgive our sins. That is why Jesus had to come die for our sins and rise again to pay the penalty of sin for us. We must trust Jesus as Lord and Savior to have our sins forgiven. Then, after we are saved, we will still sin some, so we need to have God remove those sins because they harm our relationship with Him. God requires us to confess our sins and to forsake them or repent of them. When we do that, He will always forgive us. (I John 1:9)  We confess when we say what God would say about specific sins, and we do it sincerely. Then, we decide to stop committing that sin and to do the right thing instead. When we do those two things, God has compassion on us, forgives us, and restores our close relationship with Him. I pray we will all practice confession and repentance regularly and never try to conceal our sins.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 29-31.

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