Ready to Forgive

 I wonder how ready most of us are to forgive another person? It seems to me that with our forgiveness often depends on who it is we need to forgive. If it is a person close to us, we are more willing and ready to forgive them than if it is someone we have had problems with in the past. This causes all kinds of trouble in our lives and our relationships. We end up treating people unequally, and that is not how God would have us to treat them. The psalmist remined us about this. (Psalm 86:5) He was inspired by God to tell us that God is good. He is ready to forgive and abundant in lovingkindness to all who call upon Him. God is totally consistent with others, and we should be like Him.

The goodness of God is universal. He is good to everyone. He does not hold grudges. If He gets angry with another person, He does what He tells us to do. He acts in a righteous way toward them, and He does not let His anger last more than a day. (Ephesians 4:26) When anyone comes to Him and asks Him for forgiveness, He forgives them. He sends the offense away so it does not keep Him from fully loving that person like anyone else. Jesus stressed this to Peter by saying Peter should forgive anyone who asked him 490 times (70 X 7) That number shows complete forgiveness every time, no limits. The reason for God forgiving so perfectly and completely is that He is abundant in lovingkindness. He is always faithful to keep whatever He tells us. He keeps His promises and agreements every time. If He says He forgives us, He really does forgive us. This goes for anyone who calls upon Him, no exceptions. Let's all strive to forgive in this way. It will be a great blessing to us and to others.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 89-91.

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