Power and Justice
We all run into problems in our lives. We have questions that we need to be answered. We have needs that weigh us down. Our troubles do not compare with what Job had to endure, but we still would like to question God about why these things are happening. When we feel that way, we better be careful what we think or say. Job learned that lesson quickly. (Job 9:19) If our troubles are a matter of power, He is the Strong One. If they are a matter of justice, He is beyond question totally just. Therefore, we need to adjust how we think and act according to these realities.
God is the Strong One. He is All-Powerful. There is nothing He can't do, except the wrong thing. Our power and strength are nothing compared to Him. There is no way we could ever fight against God and overpower Him, so we must not try. We must submit to His power and know that He always does His will in love. We need to cry out to Him to give us His power, instead of being upset with Him for the problems we have. When it comes to being fair. He is always fair to everyone. It might not seem that way, but He is the only One who sees everything. He is the only One who knows true justice. He always acts in just ways, too. No one can accuse Him of being unjust. He doesn't have any sins to answer for. We need to receive what He gives us and realize, it is just. Eventually, we will see His justice and power like Job did. Let's be patient and wait on God, instead of wanting to lash out at Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 10-12.