God's Plan for Esther and Us

 As I said yesterday, even though Esther was an orphan, taken in by her older cousin, Mordecai, God had a wonderful plan for her life. First of all she found favor with the king, and he made her queen. Then, a crisis came in which the Jews in all of the kingdom were to be exterminated. Then, Mordecai told Esther what was going to happen, so she could intervene for her people. (Esther 4:14) She was in a tough spot. She had to be careful how she dealt with the king. However, Mordecai assured her that she could not keep silent, or she and her father's house would perish. It could be that this was the very reason she had become the queen. What a marvelous plan God had for Esther all along. He was working His plan for her, and He does the same for all of us.

Not all of us will be rich or famous. We will not necessarily have a high position, just because we know the Lord and follow Him. We will all have the opportunity to serve Him in significant ways. God will enable us with spiritual gifts and resources to accomplish His plan for us. Then, we must believe Him and submit, so we can be used to help other people. There are people each of us, as believers, know. These people do not know Jesus. We must not keep silent, or we will face the consequences when we stand before the Lord. We must speak up in His way and the power of the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel. Then, that person or many people whom we know can be delivered from eternal death in hell, not just physical death. That is the greatest thing any person can ever do. It is God's plan for every believer.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Esther 6-8. 

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