Older and Wiser?
Hopefully, we all grow wiser as we age. However, that is often not the case at all. Many of us get away from what we have been taught and what we have learned in our old age. This was certainly the case with Solomon. We would not think that the wisest man who ever lived would forsake the Lord, but he did. (I Kings 11:4) When Solomon got old, the pagan wives which he had married turned his heart away to other gods. Then, his heart was not wholly devoted to the Lord his God, like David his father had been. This brought down Solomon and spilt the kingdom of Israel after his death. We must guard against this happening to us.
True wisdom only comes from God and from what He has revealed to us in His Word, as the Holy Spirit brings it to light for us. To get wiser, we have to focus on the Lord more and more. Unfortunately, as we age we can get complacent. We begin to think everything is OK, so we don't have to be a diligent in our seeking God and His wisdom. This leads us to be open to temptations in various areas, and without God's wisdom and the strength of the Spirit, we get drawn away from the Lord, like Solomon. It could be that we let other people or activities we enjoy get our hearts set on things besides what the Lord has for us. Soon, we are far from God, because we have a divided mind and heart. God can only bless us with His wisdom and other blessings as we are wholly devoted to Him. I pray that will be true for all of us, and get stronger and stronger as we get older. Then, we truly will be older and wiser.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Kings 13-16.