Restored by God
Once we fall out of favor with someone, it is difficult to be restored in our relationship with them. In fact, it is much more of a challenge than beginning a new relationships. However, God is the Master of restoration, and that is what He desires for all of us in our relationships with Him and with other people. David found this out after the rebellion of his son, Absalom. Even though Absalom had turned the hearts of people of Israel to him and David was forced to flee, David was able to turn their hearts back to him. (II Samuel 19:14) David appealed to the people of Judah as their close relative, and they saw all that he had done for them as their king. Then, they sent word to David to return to his throne with all of his servants. What a joyful day that was for all of the people and king David. I pray we would all know that joy in our own lives.
Please, don't let Satan tell you that you are unable to be restored to anyone in your life. God is able, if we will believe in His power and His desire to see relationships mended and restoration take place. Yes, there has to be humility to admit wrongs done. There has to be the willingness to see the good things about our relationship. Then, there has to be the effort to show the other person by our actions that we mean business, and we love them. If we are willing to do these things, God will work in both lives to bring His special restoration. The reality is that often the relationship is better after restoration than it was before. There is a special boding that takes place when we are returned to favor with another person. I pray we will all make this effort, trusting God, and experience the joy it brings to us and others.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 21-23.