Established and Strong?

 Success can be our greatest enemy. When we get to be established in life, and we feel strong because of our accomplishments, we are very vulnerable to Satan's attacks. Often, our strength is turned into a weakness very quickly, when we decide we can do life our way, and we do not need the Lord. That is what happened to Rehoboam after he became king of Judah when his father, Solomon, died. (II Chronicles 12:1) Once the kingdom was established and strong, Rehoboam and all the people forsook the law of the Lord. This led to the punishment of God for their sins. I pray we will not let this happen to us.

Success in life breeds pride. That pride leads to all kinds of sins. We feel smart and strong. We believe we are able to handle life, since we have seen things going well. Then, we start ignoring or breaking the laws of God and His commands. God can't let us depart from Him without consequences. That would be very unloving on His part. He often sends people or other forces against us like disease or financial problems. Then, we see that we can't make it one our own. We are faced with the decision of whether to continue on our own or to turn to Him. Even when we turn to the Lord, like Rehoboam did, He can choose to leave the consequences of our rebellion with us, until we fully follow Him. That is why many believers are suffering today. The only remedy is to humble ourselves and repent of out sins, fully depending on the Lord for our strength. Please, remember what Paul said in II Corinthians 12. When we are weak; then we are strong, because it drives us to the Lord.


Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 13-15.

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