Sin is Not a Small Thing

 People today tend to think that sin is a small thing. We are prone to think that we can sin, and it won't hurt us or other people. That is never true. Sin always has consequences, and those consequences are usually much worse that we think they will be. The reason for this is that Satan tells us that we can get by with some sins in our lives. Paul told us why this is not true. (I Corinthians 5:6) The spiritual principle about sin is that it always grows, so that it fills our lives, our families, and our churches, if we do not root it out quickly and completely. Paul was trying to teach the Christians in Corinth this truth, and we need to learn it well, too.

 Sin is very dangerous. It is always wrong to have a flip and callous arrogance about sin. It is always a huge mistake to think we are good enough, so that a little sin will not hurt us. It is terribly wrong to think that our good deeds will make up for some sin in our life. God never overlooks sin in our lives. He always punishes it. However, it is up to us to confess it and repent of it, so He can take it away from our life and cleanse us. If we fail to deal with sin, it begins to take over more and more of our life, just like yeast spreads through a batch of bread dough. The same is true for a family or a church family. If one person sins, and it is not checked and rooted out, it will begin to spread to others, because they will justify sin, too, when we do it. Please, take sin seriously. Don't let it take over your life, your family, or your church.


Tomorrow, I Intend to read I Corinthians 6-9.

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