Prayers for Israel's Salvation
Israel was chosen by God to be His people under the Old Covenant. They had every advantage to be saved. They had God's Word, the Prophets, and many direct interventions of God into their lives. However, when the Messiah was sent from the Lord to save us from our sins by the death and resurrection of Jesus, most of them rejected Jesus. That broke God's heart. Jesus said that He would have gathered them in, if they would have come to Him, but they were not willing. Paul wanted the salvation of Israel with all of his heart and he prayed to God for it all the time. (Romans 10:1) If their salvation was on God's heart and Paul's heart, I believe it should be on our hearts, as well.
Romans 9-11 is a message on the spiritual condition of Israel that Paul included in his letter to the church at Rome to show them God's will for them. He made it clear that God wanted them to trust Jesus, but they didn't. However, there is still a chance, if they will repent and turn to Jesus as Lord and Savior. I believe we should pray for this regularly as Paul did. Of course, there are some Jewish people who have been saved like Paul. The number is small, though, so we need to reach out to any Jewish people we meet with the Good News of Jesus. God is not finished with Israel yet. When the time of the rapture and the Tribulation comes, Israel will come to the Lord. I hope we will be diligent to pray and do all we can to see many Jewish people saved.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Romans 12-14.