You Won't Regret It
We make a lot of sacrifices in our lives. Husbands sacrifice for their wives. Parents sacrifice for their children. Employees make sacrifices for their employers. It is part of life. Most of the time when we sacrifice some time, energy, or money, we think we are losing whatever we gave up for the good of the other person or the cause. We never expect to be paid back. However, that is not how it works with the Lord. Peter tried to make points with Jesus by pointing out that the disciples had left everything they owned and followed Jesus. (Luke 18:28-30) Jesus' reply was stunning, when He told Peter and His disciples that they would never regret leaving all to follow Him. He assured them and us that whoever sacrifices anything of value to follow Him would have it multiplied back to him many times in this life and have the bonus of eternal life, too. Just think about that. What a blessing!
Salvation from sin and receiving eternal life call for us to leave all and follow Jesus. In fact, we have to deny ourselves, submit to Jesus as Lord, and faithfully obey Him in whatever He tells us to do. We might be tempted to think that we will miss out on a lot of fun and satisfaction in life if we follow Jesus. Actually, the opposite is true. When we give our lives and all we have to the Lord, He multiplies it back to us in so many ways. We have more and better relationships with our family and friends. He makes sure that our needs are met in perfect ways. Then, the cherry on top of life is that we get to go to heaven, the most perfect place, where we will be blessed abundantly for eternity. How could anyone ever turn down a deal like that? The truth is that many people will miss out, because they want to do life their way, not God's way. His way is the only way that there are no regrets.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 19-21.