One-of-a-Kind Glory
Jesus is the Unique Son of God. He is the Second Person of the Trinity, One God in Three Persons, Father, Son, and Spirit. He is unique in several ways, but perhaps, the main way is that He took on human flesh and became the God/Man, so He could shed His precious blood for our sins and die in our place. In coming to the earth to become the God/Man, Jesus was the Word becoming flesh and blood. (John 1:14) He came to communicate God to us, to show us the glory of God in the flesh. Yes, He spoke and did miracles, which showed us the Father, too, but His glory was unmistakable. He exuded the One-of-a-Kind glory of God, like Father, like Son. He was always generous inside and out, while being true from start to finish. He lived in our neighborhood for about 33 years, so we could have eye witness accounts of His glory and pass on those accounts to everyone.
The facts of history show us that Jesus was a real person, not a fairly tale. He was born and died just like the Bible says, and the Biblical account is verified by secular sources. Then, when we examine the quality of His life and teaching, including all of His miracles, we see that He was God, who moved into our neighborhood. There is no doubt that He came to reveal the Father and to purchase our salvation. That is where His glory really shined. There has never been a Person so generous. He gave up heaven for us. He gave up His comfort for us. He suffered death that we might have life. He was the Ultimate Servant. Also, He was truth from start to finish. He spoke and lived the truth in all things. If we want to know the truth, we have to know Him as a Person, not just principles. I pray we will all observe the One-of-a-Kind glory and trust Him as Lord and Savior, if we have never done that.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 2-5.