Giving to Caesar and God
Caesar was the title of the Roman Emperor. Just like any head of state he had to have funds to run the empire, so he levied taxes upon the citizens. People did not like taxes then, and they do not like them now. In Jesus' day they were even more burdensome and controversial. The Jews resented paying taxes to Caesar, since the Romans were their enemies, occupying Israel. They tried to get Jesus in trouble by asking Him if it was lawful according to God's Law for them to pay taxes to Caesar. (Luke 20:22,25) I believe they thought Jesus would say no, and that would get Him in trouble with the Roman authorities. However, Jesus gave them the perfect answer. Jesus told them to give to Caesar and to God what belonged to them. This is so true today, as well.
We all owe the government. Our government keeps us safe by have defenses and the armed forces. We have various programs to help people who have various needs, so the government is there to help. In the USA we have lawmakers and agencies in Washington to lead us well, including all kinds of federal courts. Therefore, we are to pay our taxes for all of these benefits we receive. Yes, I know some people have to pay more than others, and that is controversial, but I am speaking about the concept of paying taxes being sanctioned by God as a good thing. However, when we think about giving God what is His, what He deserves for all we receive from Him, it is quite a different matter, isn't it? We owe all to Him. We would not be alive, if it wasn't for Him. We would not have air, food, or water. We would not have any abilities, and we could not work, if He did not gift us and give us strength. Above all, He provided forgiveness for sins by sending Jesus to die and rise again for our salvation. That is the ultimate benefit anyone can ever receive. Therefore, we owe Him our very lives, our last ounce of devotion, as well as, our tithes and offerings for His kingdom work. Let's never forget to give to God what He deserves every day. He has more than earned it.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 22-24 and John 1.