Don't Be Slovenly and Careless, Jesus is Coming
Jesus could return today. It could happen at any time. What are we doing to prepare for His appearing? How are we making sure we are ready to stand before Him in the time of Judgment? I am afraid most people are totally unprepared, because they have never trusted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Also, many believers are not ready for Jesus to return because we are not being faithful and doing His will with diligence. Jesus gave an illustration or a short parable about this situation. He said that if the owner of the house had known what night the burglar was coming, he would not have stayed out late and left the place unlocked. (Luke 12:39,40) Jesus is coming like a burglar in the night, at a time when we least expect Him. Therefore, we must not be slovenly and careless. We must be active, diligently preparing for His coming. How are you doing?
Jesus came to this world to die on the cross and pay for our sins. He rose again the third day to show that He defeated sin, Satan, and death once and for all. Forty days later He ascended back to heaven. Now, He is seated at the right hand of the Father waiting for His orders to return to the earth to receive all of us as believers to Himself in the Rapture. Then, we will go to the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. This is only for believers, so any who do not know Christ will be left behind for seven years of great tribulation. As believers, we need to be sharing the gospel with those around us, so they can join us in the Rapture and heaven. We all need to be prepared to face the final exam of life, the Judgment. If we are living a slovenly, careless life, not being faithful to God and His will, the Judgment will be a terrible time for us. Please, don't let that happen to you and don't let those around you miss out on heaven completely. Let's be active and faithful every day, expecting Jesus at any moment.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 13-15.