The Real, Lasting Life
There are many people who are alive physically, but they do not have the real, lasting life. Physical life has a beginning and an end. The real life that comes from having a relationship with God through knowing Jesus Christ is lasting, everlasting life. Jesus made this very clear in His teaching. He called on people to listen carefully to Him, because it was urgent for everyone to know how to receive this quality of life. (John 5:24) The real, lasting life is given as a free gift to anyone who aligns himself or herself with God, the Father. The Father is the One who put Jesus in charge of granting this life, because Jesus is the One who came to die for the sins of the world and to rise to show Himself the victor over sin, Satan, and death. When we align with Jesus and the Father, we are no longer condemned to be an outsider. We have taken a giant step from the world of the dead to the world of the living. See the importance this decision.
We don't usually hear about aligning ourselves with God. What does that mean? It means we realize that Jesus is Lord, so we surrender our life to Him. We give ourselves completely to the Lord. When the Lord sees that total dedication by faith in Jesus to being on God's side of life, then Jesus gives us real, lasting life. Spiritually we are born into the world of the living, never to die again. Yes, our physical life will come to an end, but we will simply continue in the world of the living, which is heaven. If we fail to align ourselves with God, because we choose to do life our way, we continue in the world of the dead. We are an outsider to what is real and lasting forever. When our physical life ends, we live in the world of the dead forever, which is hell. Therefore, this is the most significant decision we can ever make.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 6-8.