Speak to Them
There is a prevalent myth among God's people that is very damaging to our mission in life. The myth is that all we have to do is live a good life, so the people around us can see the difference between us and them. We don't have to say anything, just live before them. The problem is that the Bible never says this. Yes, we are to live out our faith every day, so all will see we are different. However, the Bible commands us to speak the truth in love, to share the good news of Jesus with as many people as possible, no matter what they think or do. That was God's specific command to Ezekiel, too. He was sent by God to the family of Israel. They were a rebellious nation and they had been rebellious for several generations. God told Ezekiel to speak His words to them, and whether they listened or not was not his concern. (Ezekiel 2:3,7) His responsibility , like ours, was to speak to them as God led him, even though they were rebellious and would not listen. Let's learn some valuable lessons from God's call to the prophet.
Just like Ezekiel we are surrounded by rebellious people. The ancestors of many of the people were rebellious, too, fomenting rebellion right up to the present time. That does not free us from speaking to them about the love of Christ, His sacrifice and resurrection for our sins, and His desire to be the Lord of our lives. In fact, that is why speaking is necessary. No one can respond to the good news of Jesus without hearing the specifics of what He did and what they need to do to trust Him. This is what the Bible tells us. It is special revelation that not everyone knows, even if they can know there is a God from creation. That is why we must speak up and not be silent. They can't be saved without knowing the gospel and trusting Jesus, but they can be and they are lost because of their sins, separating them from God. Therefore, it is a sin to remain silent, when the Lord has commissioned us to go and tell everyone, everyone people group around us and around the world about Jesus. Let's be faithful and speak to them. Then, we leave the convicting and saving to the Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 3-5.